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hAhB hChD hEhF hGhH hIhJ hKhL hMhN hOhP hQhR hShT hUhV hWhX hYhZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
m MULYANKAN +hand & circle 16
mahacola THUMS UP +hand 32
man & hand 9, 10, 16, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44
man bow arrow & hand 41
man leaf & hand 41
man motorcycle coin & hand 16
max ply EXOTEAK +hand 19
n GLENCOE t +hand & plant 30
natural care +hand 5
new GLENCOE +hand & plant 30
nibana +hand holding flower 5
nice THREE +hand & stars 25
no-8 APSARA +hand & candles 4
no.1 MSP +oval & hand 25
no.1 quality MSP +oval hand 25
no.1 tooth powder +hand fac 5
oral CDX +hand & hammer 42
palm care +hand 10
palm of hand 7, 9
pen hand & stripes 41, 42
petal touch +flower & hand 24, 25
plant hand & circle 5
plant & hand 5
plant MAGIK +hand & plant 5
plant bag & hand 7
pot & hand 30
power rubber tape +hand ova 17
pure GOLD +hand 30
reva SEVA +hand & car 12
rl RED LABEL +hand 30
ruchi bhog +hand & ribbon 30
safe hand +hand 10
safe hand +stripes 17
safe hand +hand 10
sh PROTOS +globe & hand 10
shakti bidi NO. 911 +hand 34
shree PLUS MERA NO-1 +hand 21
shresth MATHIYA +hand 30
shresth besan +hand 30
shubh LAXMI decor +hand 16
siddhi +hand 29
skin safe +hand 10
steelage +hand & cogwheel 8
stripes pen & hand 38
strong +hammer hand & globe 9
super +hand & buildings 19
super NITRILE +hand 9
hand 17
super PRITOX +hand & tyre 7
super PRITOX DOT-3 +hand 7
super SAVERS +hand 29, 30, 32
super SUNDER tea +hand & cu 30
sword flame hand & arcs 41
the GODFATHER +hand 9
thripthi rice +hand & plant 30
tools & hand 25, 41
torch hand & square 41
trimmer +hand & arcs 10
ts TECNI safe +globe & hand 9
v CARE +hand & flower 16
v KORA +hand & circles 17, 29
v VA MARATHE +hand 16
v VICTORY +hand 23
v care +hand & flower 42
vidut MITRA +hand 9, 17
vishwa +hand hut & circle 34
vishwa +hand hut & globe 6
vysya MI-BANK +ovals & hand 16
welcure +hand & circle 5
woman & hand 16
yoga ENJOYMENT +hand & oval 41
zm ZARA masala +hand & food 30
HIC handa +flower & circle 6
NOOTAN handbook 16
VATSAL handbook 16
ANTARA handcrafted fashion 11, 24, 35
C LOCK +handcuffs 25
CRIME TODAY +handcuffs 16
DAADOO FASHIONS +handcuffs 24
FEVICRYL handicraft glue 16
handicraft 25
DHARA handicrafts 24
GOLDEN HUT handicrafts +hut 28
GP GAUTAM handicrafts 26
HR RAMA handicrafts +globe 24
KAVERI handicrafts jeweller 14
RH RAMA handicrafts +globe 25
SAHARA kasturi handicrafts 3, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 40
ACO PARADISE handkerchief 3
AMBIKA handkerchief 24
KRISHNA handkerchief 25
PRIME handkerchief perfume 3
i.b. OMEGA handkerchief 24
CALI-CO handkerchiefs 24
LANCOME handkerchiefs 24
ONIDA handkerchiefs 24
POONAM handkerchiefs 24
RITEX handkerchiefs 24
S SCOTT handkerchiefs 24
SAMRAT +handkerchiefs 24
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